from now on when major replies and news updates come from Trino games, I will post reactions and replies from senior Machine World community members. This is to ensure that these posts from veteran Machine World players reach as many people as possible.
I would like to reassure you that Daniel and Trino games have not conned you and ran with the money made from Machine world 2. To tell you the truth Going from being popular on IOS with Machine world 1, then creating a whole new different machine world 2 which released on a whole new platform such as steam, Is really a deep drop in the ocean. As you know with deep drop offs it can be very hard to see the bottom but at the same time machine world 2 is too shallow for IOS in its current form, so now we have a tricky gamble.
Release on IOS on devices that have a possibility of not running correctly due to how big the game is in regards to graphics and complex function. Or release on PC a new territory for Trino games but area that 100 percent has devices that will run it.
I would also like to say that machine world 2 in itself is a new territory for trino games and players alike as like I have said in many post Machine world is a unique un matched concept that other games hardly meet. It is also new area of gaming as I have never played a game where I have to take steps to start a vehicle on a construction simulator like the way you do in Machine World 2.
Now imagine trying to balance all this newness while dealing with family emergencies and other financial issues and then it becomes very difficult.
I sign off this extra blog post by urging you to continue to purchase and support Machine world 2 and ensure that the developers are appreciated so that this newness and amazingness can continue.