Hello Everyone. This blog post comes from a long amount of reflection.
I have for a while thought about addressing the now deleted threads from all the other accounts that I have produced. As a result I have created a new thread on the Machine World 2 Steam discussions, which contains the most recent update from Daniel that was posted on now deleted threads.
I know this goes against what I said in the previous blog post about interaction. However this site that contains the most up to date information, is an unofficial fan site. For a while my thought of mind, was to not repost information to steam and leave it on here as it is. This is because there is a chance for the debating to re ignite. To prevent further debates, clutter and any arguing, I will not be responding anything that is classed as it and will only be posting useful updates.
As it has been for a while now these updates will not become regular things, and any future updates have to come from Trino Games Employees or Daniel Himself.
Thanks for reading this short blog post.